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You are always responsible for your own feelings.
If something upsets you, look with in to see why. Nothing can ever make you feel something that isn’t already inside of you, it can bring it out though. When something is brought to our conscious surface, we find the need to blame the situation of the person that made us feel that way. It’s easier to do that because it keeps us in the illusion that it’s our of our control, and we’re not masters of our own reality, and we’re not a part of god, or the whole.
No matter how “unjustified” someone of something may seem, it’s not actually real and you’re just in a meat suit learning a lesson because you’re creating your reality whether you stand strong in your power or not, because you have power either way. Remember? They told us it would seem really real, and now we know how serious they were about that.
It’s not real
