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flower of life

The Universe inspires us to inspire ourselves. We are the Universe, the universe is us in our most conscious form. Our higher self is our aspect of the consciousness in it’s conscious and awake form. In our conscious form we are one, whole, and complete with all. We have no sense of separateness or individuality, which leaves no room for blame, hurt, pain, and misunderstanding. Which inspires fear, fear that we are not loved, fear that we’re not good enough. We see our parents as separate, we see our wounders as separate. Each person has their own sense of well being that they are always responsible for, some decide to put that well being in other aspects like people and things, and when they don’t get what they want from those people or things their well being is diminished because they choose to have it be affected by things that are not consciously love, and oneness. We all have this consciousness of love and oneness inside of us, it radiates in our beings guiding us back to oneness and love, which feels like desires. The feelings we feel here help us. We experience the contrast of love and oneness, like fear, self hatred, anger, pain, victimization, etc. But that’s because that’s what oneness and love is, it’s triumph of those things, it’s what makes love and oneness so powerful, it inspires us in our beings and we learn to honor ourselves, and those around us while being responsible for the stream of love and oneness consciousness inside of us, guiding us back to what we really are, love and oneness. We are not meant to resist our feelings, but to see them for what they are, appreciate the awareness they bring to us about ourselves, and how they transform us at our core into being the highest of energies of love and oneness, which contains and is made up of the “lower” energies by default. Eventually we step into the power that we’ve had the entire time, instead of giving that power to other aspects and things that teach us that we are not supposed to sacrifice ourselves for something or someone else, but to love and honor ourselves independently, guide and compliment others to do the same. Then we begin making decisions that honor these desires inside of us, our oneness love stream, and begin creating love for ourselves instead of “lower energies” and lessons. Eventually we have the awareness of our power to use it and implement love and oneness consciousness into our creations, inspiring this and creating the options for the other aspects to do the same. Being love, and projecting love.