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Today my kitty cat Pleiades Aka my handsome man died, passed away, moved on, out grew his space suit, changed containers or how ever you’d like to put that. Although I will miss him and I do, my perception of death has changed over the years. I’ve experienced more than a few loses. And the first few ones were extremely painful. Especially my Grandma. Society teaches us that death is the ultimate loss. It’s probably the hardest thing you’ll ever have to deal with, they’re gone forever, you’ll never see them again, they were there but now they’re gone, they’ll never know how you truly felt about them, they’ll never know how well you turned out, what if you did something different maybe they would be here. There are many more misconceptions about death. Society teaches us that death is scary, and we should avoid it at all costs, even fight to be alive. Bodies are hidden away, people are not left where they land when they go. But if you were to go out into a forest you would see death all around you, even life. Because the truth is, everyones going to die. I’ll let you in on a little secret. You’ve died before, and look at you, you limitless soul you. Here you are. People are also born everyday. Birth and death are apart of life, birth is the beginning, and death is the end. But It is not the Ultimate end. After Winter Spring always comes again. It doesn’t just stop. It’s a repeating cycle. Life is filled with cycles. Those are just some. But come to find out just because our society teaches it doesn’t make it so. Lately I’ve learned a lot about death on a an extremely deep level. That I don’t even feel grief in the traditional sense that I used to. Death of a loved one used to trigger a great deal of pain in me, victimization, anger, regret, guilt, etc. But it doesn’t anymore. Yeah I do miss them. But I am at peace with how things are because I know that’s how they’re supposed to be. I trust that they lived until they weren’t supposed to live anymore, there was nothing I could have done or was supposed to do. I know that I will see them again someday. I know that they know how much I loved them even if I did hug them really tight, say hi, or pet them a lot the last time I saw them because now they are in the all knowing. They know how well I turned out. They forgive me and themselves for anything that they need to. Because they served everyone in their reality the way they were supposed to and they were served by everyone and everything in their reality the way they were supposed to be other wise they would still be here. If you fail your classes in highschool, you retake the grade, you do not get to graduate yet, but when you pass all your classes year after year, you eventually graduate. When you graduate high school, it’s exciting, it’s new, you have no idea what’s going to happen. Your life completely changes, your routine, and what is expected of you is different. Seems scary right? I was scared at the time. I had no idea where I would end up. People kept congratulating me though, because it was a huge transition for me in my life! So Congratulations Pleiades, Grandma, and other pets, and loved ones. I’ll miss you in my classes. But I’m happy that you’re moving forward because you deserve the best and I love you.