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there is no room for love in fear


The Universe has been teaching me the coolest thing lately about fear.
I know that when we’re afraid our initial reaction is to avoid what it is we’re afraid of, which can limit growth. But come to find out, fear doesn’t have to be a bad scary thing. When we avoid something outside of ourselves because we’re afraid of it, what we’re really doing is avoiding facing something with in our selves, because nothing can make us feel anything that isn’t inside of us, our reality is merely serving us based off of what we’re attracting. I have been overloading with love lately in all aspects, and so it’s shaking up all things in my subconscious that have laid dormant for sometime that were keeping me from receiving even more love and abundance. I have been facing my fears! Even though I so badly just want to run away from them and avoid the feelings inside of me. I decided that I would continue to face my fears, and face the feelings inside of me and the real reason why I’m afraid. I decided to believe in my ability to move forward but most importantly trust the Universe and allow myself to be guided through whatever it is i may face knowing that I’m actually always safe.
It’s funny because on the other side, “fear” doesn’t exist, there’s no doubt or question about how safe you are, how much you are loved, and how truly perfect you are. The beautiful thing about adversity, contrast, and fear, is that we believe in it, there for we really think we’re not safe, or we’re not lovable, or that we’re deeply flawed, etc. What’s even more beautiful about that, is that we eventually discover we’re safe, we’re oh so very lovable, and we are always ALWAYS perfect. And it creates this passion inside of us, this sense of adventure, it makes us WANT things that benefit and serve our highest good, which serves and benefits the highest good of all. I wanted to real deep romantic love, because I had experienced really crappy painful relationships, I want to nurture the crap out of people and help them heal and feel safe and amazing about themselves, because at one point in my life, I felt really neglected, damaged, afraid, unsafe, and really inadequate.
So for those experiences, I say THANK YOU! With out them I wouldn’t love what I do so much, or who I am, or others!! <3