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We were going to make a short little video about this today.
The title was going to be: “How to handle fear”

But we didn’t end up getting to it and tomorrow we are dedicating most of our day to a super awesome mini movie type video for you guys. That we’re SUPER excited about. (Stay tuned) Did you guys know we almost pursued acting careers? (Long story) But we have some acting skills under our belt. Which we are going to be using in this exciting new video that you’ll have to wait for 🙂
Anyways, how do you handle fear when you just can’t seem to shake it?
The best solution is to be absent of fear, but if you’re not there yet with certain things or whatever this is what you do.
Do what ever you’re afraid of anyway!
Easy, peasy.
Laugh at your fear, challenge your fear, see fear for what it actually is, (smoke and mirrors, feels pretty real though right? But you’re actually always safe and secured by the universe) and my personal favorite, just say F*$# IT, and do it anyways.
When I can’t seem to shake my fearful feelings and thoughts, my first instinct is to get rid of it, and if it’s not ready to go, it STAYS. Which sometimes gets me feeling frustrated, because I don’t want to operate from a place of fear, I don’t want to be afraid of spending money, or going on a date, or whatever it may be. When we’re afraid of something we resist it, avoid it, or don’t do it. Fear is designed to keep us in our safe, comfortable box so we do not grow, we don’t change, and challenge ourselves or the system or whatever would really benefit from change. The best way to handle fear is to simply do whatever it is you’re afraid of anyway because as long as you’re doing and trying you’ve won.