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I feel like at this point today with all the stuff going on in the world that is causing a lot of people to feel angry or sad, know that anger and sadness are indicators of a shift occurring, so things are improving!
Individually we create and recreate things in our pain bodies from wounds we carry from our personal experiences from childhood they we recreate over and over again and re-manifest into our relationships until we figure it out and break our cycles.
Well globally as a planet we have a pain body, we have cycles, things that we keep recreating through similar situations to help us become conscious of how we co create together!
Even races carry specific things to add to their pain body experience. Which we agree to incarnate as and experience for our soul evolution and growth of ourselves and others that we affect.
Underneath it all, it’s love. Deep levels of serving, unconditional soul love, so focus on that, not what the pain body is recreating, try something new for different results!!
Forgiveness, love, and acceptance of ourselves is the panacea!