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A HUGE and very common block Women (and men) encounter in starting, launching, and growing their Passion Based Business or Blissness, is Low WEALTH Esteem. 

So What is Low Wealth Esteem? Low Wealth Esteem is essentially fear in finances, doubt in ones ability to make money, and therefore fear in spending money. 

A lot of women let Low Wealth Esteem RUN not only their businesses but their entire lives. Something I see a lot and have even experienced myself, is the inability to invest in what makes us happy. The fear of spending money is so potent that we don’t spend money on the things that would practically ensure something we really, really want. You’ll see a lot of people saving up for vacation and retirement,(nothing wrong with that) “I will be happy when I can finally relax and do what ever I want!” But they don’t do much else for themselves. They don’t invest in something that can make their lives happy and relaxed with more freedom on a regular basis. Most of the time Low Wealth Esteem comes from a belief that says “I can’t have what I want without struggle or without being sneaky, or ripping people off,” or a common one, “I can’t have what I want without being selfish.” So we pinch our pennies and slowly save up towards something that seems like the relief from our day to day unsatisfactory lives.

When in REALity, we are lining up with the people and scenarios we expect to experience, and we expect, based on what we believe. If we believe that we can’t succeed or make more money or get this or that or be happy, we won’t. Do you know anyone that complains about how crappy something is over and over but they never seem to try and do anything about it? That is the core of Low Wealth Esteem, stay stuck because the future is filled with scary impossibilities. A lot of Women don’t even end up starting their Blissnesses because they live in that constant “I’ll do it tomorrow,” or I’ll do it next week, or next month, or next year, or after my kids graduate, or after I meet someone, etc. etc. The list goes on. 

Low Wealth Esteem likes to find any reasonable thought to talk us out of investing in what would make us happy and fulfilled. “We can’t afford it right now.” “I need to hold onto this money for my next payment of this or that (just in case)” Etc. etc. That feeling of “eventually” I will do it eventually, I just can’t right now. Then before you know it, it’s 5 or 10 years later and you’re still at that job you don’t like, still in that in between period, you still haven’t accomplished what you wanted to yet, and you’re still not happy. 

What can you do to avoid living in that in between anymore? Well this is the fun part. This is where you decide if you actually really want to have your own business with passion, inspiration, flexibility, more money for less work, more time with the family, and all other things that having your own business provides. If you decide that HELL YES THAT IS WHAT I WANT then you commit to that and step into your inner bad ass (We all have one) and you provide yourself the means that you need to start your own business. When fear creeps in saying you can’t do it, or your low wealth esteem, I shouldn’t spend the money on it/I can’t afford it. You laugh in it’s face and say THANK BUT NO THANKS, I know how capable, talented, and amazing I am and I’m going to buy into that instead of the fearful Low Wealth Esteem B.S.

You know that saying, “You gotta spend money to make money?” Well it’s true, at least vibrationally speaking. You cannot be in vibrational harmony with receiving money (or more money) through your business (or at all) if you are not comfortable and even feeling good in spending money. Think about it, you want to have more money coming in, more for you to spend, when you aren’t even comfortable in spending the lesser amount of finances you are current working with? You want to just win the lottery or get an inheritance from a wealthy retaliative you didn’t even know existed so that you can then feel better. Sorry Gorgeous, but we live in a vibrational Universe, so until you believe and expect to have a random large source of income, or move into vibrational harmony with it, by feeling good, and abundant, that’s not going to happen. All those people you see succeeding all have a few things in common. They decided something and stuck to it, hell or high water. They believed in themselves and their ability to accomplish their dreams and goals and last but not least, they had help. They had a mentor, or a coach, or a teacher, or a guru, or someone that taught them the successful mindset or it just inadvertently rubbed off on them. Do you ever notice how wealthy people usually had wealthy parents, and they raise wealthy kids? Or they get guidance from someone else they look up to and they break the cycle of poverty in their family, then they raise wealthy kids. “You are who you hang out with,” after all. 😉 

If you’re ready to grow or start your Blissness, sign up for my workshop Goddess Guidance for Avoiding Blocks Your Blissness. Where we will talk more in depth about Identifying and Avoiding Low Wealth Esteem, and other blocks women encounter in starting, launching, and growing their businesses. Yes, there will be a fee as I am holding every passionate and powerful Goddess to her highest standard of capability. And getting her more comfortable with spending money on herself and investing in her bliss.

(But don’t worry it’s only $15.00)