Know when and when not to tell people about what you’re trying to manifest.
Who I sometimes tell when I’m trying to manifest-complete strangers
Who I don’t usually EVER tell-parents, friends, my boyfriend, siblings.
When you’re in the process of lining up with something you want but don’t yet have those well meaning people in our lives can trigger our fear and doubt.
By something as little as not reacting the way we want them to, or they could simply throw their own doubt and disbelief onto our desired manifestation and mess up our flow mojo. Things like, I’m not saying you can’t or won’t ever have that mercedes benz but I’m just saying it’s not realistic to expect it anytime soon, you should get a plan together for something else. Then you’re like woahhh dude maybe you’re right. Or you’re like god damnit, why did I tell you, you’re not feeling my feels about this. hahaha
When I stopped telling people about what I was trying to manifest and avoided all those conversations about what’s new with me and how are things going with (insert desired end game here) I started to manifest things SOOOO MUCH MORE QUICKLY. I’m talking about-manifesting a new house in 3 days kinda quick. Yeah that happened.
Why you can sometimes tell strangers- they don’t know you or your life so if you’re at the doctors office and the rando doctor asks you about your life and you feel inspired to brag about the mercedes benz that as far as they know you already have (tehe) and they’re like “Oh dayum, that’s bad ass!” that adds momentum to your desire and speeds it up. If you go out of your way to tell a stranger when it doesn’t feel inspired it probably won’t play out that way and can throw you off. Listen to that inner guidance and manifest, manifest, manifest!
-That’s how you Light-work it. 😉