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As of lately the Universe has been teaching me a lot about this matrix. Particularly the energy known as money. Because I told the Universe with my words, actions, and intentions, that I wish to support my self and be supported purely off of my spiritual work. It is what I love, and it changes people’s lives. I usually would have enough to get by. I noticed that my internal state would always greatly reflect the amount of business I had. Being self employed is one of the scariest things I’ve ever done. Because it really does require me to completely surrender to the Universe. I don’t have a constant paycheck every week or every other week. It’s simply always mirroring my internal state. So I constantly have to reflect inward, grow, and evolve. At times it’s terrifying. I’ve learned that I had low self worth, low self esteem, self hatred, anxiety, feelings of being stupid, body image issues, parental wounds, and I could go on. I wouldn’t have found this out and healed or began to heal this If i didn’t live a spiritual life. Because my income relys on my spirituality and spiritual growth I constantly have to look with in, heal, cry, grow. Which is truly a great thing. I have through basing my income on spirituality I have told the Universe that I’m serious. My life is going to completely revolve around my soul’s evolution. Because if I were to not look with in, not heal, not grow, it would mirror in my abundance flow and if I were to admit defeat I would starve, not have water, or electricity, or be forced to get a normal job, and be miserable. I have never resonated with a regular job. Be affected by reality instead of effecting it. Which is what this society wants for us, this is how we are controlled. When ever something surfaces into your reality through an experience and it really bothers you, because you don’t agree with it. This is a gift it is challenging an old belief inside of you that no longer serves you. Whether it’s meant to change your perspective or clear your reaction to it that stems from a wound regarding the subject, or experience, that stemmed from an experience or something that you were taught. When a baby is teething it isn’t comfortable for them, they cry and experience pain. But we know this is a necessary experience for them so they can have their teeth! Those teeth benefit and serve their life experience. I have learned that everything just is. There isn’t actually “Good” or “Bad” It’s simply what we perceive it to be, and what we project on to the person, place, or thing because of our beliefs, wounds, patterns, or conditions that we’ve taken on. Our wounds always have an opinion. Our ego tells us something is bad or not right, because that makes us feel better. It takes us outside of ourself and makes us feel safe in our wounds, so we do not have to face them. But situations will constantly re surface in our reality mirroring and triggering our wounds because we live in a universe based on the law of attraction. But we aren’t always conscious of what it is we are attracting or why. Sometimes we completely block out a memory because it’s too painful to face and we are not ready. But we find that our life experience isn’t fulfilling because our spirits crave to be whole, complete, safe, and loved. That is what we are in our true original state. In our god form we are one, so we can not be lonely, we are pure love, so we can not be insecure, or judged. We are whole and complete so feeling unsafe does not exist. It is only when we look with in and spiritually teeth, and allow our teeth to come in so to speak, that we ever can begin to feel and then create a reality and a true state that aligns with our spirit, deep down. I have told the Universe what I want, and that is to be abundant and successful in my spiritual endeavors, for me and for everyone that I come help a long the way. The Universe then showed me that I didn’t feel I deserved this, I didn’t feel special or significant or smart enough to have this yet. I realized last night that even though other people tell me that I am smart, wise beyond my years, special, mystical, etc. Deep down, I feel insignificant and stupid. How can someone insignificant and stupid help change the world? So I have been working on shedding those beliefs about myself. I have been healing and doing affirmations, etc. When healing things at first tend to get worse before they get better. Today I had a heated encounter with my mother that really triggered both of us apparently. It was regarding finances. My mother always serves as a great tool for my growth, whether it’s intentional or not that what it is. Almost all recipients of my money have been demanding and lashing out at me because they want their money sooner or whatever it may be. They are just mirroring me. I’ve been projected on a lot lately by friends, family, and strangers when it comes to the energy known as money. It’s truly a beautiful thing because it triggers with in me what has been blocking my abundance flow, so that I can become conscious of them, release them, heal, and replace those beliefs with those that align with my spirit. Your life experience is always serving you. Always. I asked for abundance and the universe gave me experiences that sucked out those old beliefs like venom. The healing process isn’t always an easy one but it is always worth it. Allow your spiritual teeth to grow in. <3
Change your self, change your life, change the world.