Workbooks by Genevieve Lightworker | Mar 26, 2016 | displayonhomepage | Manifest your clients manifesto The Purpose of this workbook- To help those who are not yet manifesting clients consistently that they love to work with that get results and pay their rates get in alignment with manifesting their soul mate clients 31 Day Abundance Journal The purpose of this work book- Train yourself into alignment with abundance in just 31 days! Everything is always working out for me Work book (not yet available for purchase) The purpose of this work book- DIY Guide to Deactivate Your BS Money Beliefs Identify how active your BS Money Belief systems are Flexible and easy to understand processes that will work with your specific money blocks Deactivate your beliefs that are repelling money The Workbooks you purchase will be sent to you within 72 hours of purchase. Only those who have a confirmed payment will receive their workbooks This Stuff Works If You WORK IT *DISCLAIMER* I can not promise or guarantee results of any kind as I have no way to know if you will actually implement the teachings and techniques of these workbooks. The purchase of these workbooks are an investment in your well being and will not be refunded. Workbooks Manifest Your Clients Manifesto & 31 Day Abundance Journal $200.00 USDManifest Your Clients Manifesto $100.00 USDAbundance Journal $100.00 USD [contact-form to=’[email protected]’ subject=’Workbook purchase (confirm)’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email To Receive Workbook’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]