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You don’t need a reason to be happy right now.
A lot of people think that they need a reason to be happy. Some even spend their right now, being upset about the past, or worrying about the future.
Being upset is perfectly fine, because we’re human and sometimes it happens. Just don’t stay there too long. There’ a healthy balance between expression and dwelling.
But for some it’s hard to shake because we want something else right now instead of what we have right now. Just remember that instead of wishing that right now was different. (Which won’t actually change it) You could be enjoying your life and be happy right now, because of what the right now has, not what it doesn’t have. Before bed, a lot of people let their minds wander to things that they are still allowing to hurt them, their loneliness, their bills, their stress, and worries. When they could just be like OMG this bed that I’m laying on right now, is super comfy and I love it. Wow Right now this bed, is great. Right now things are great because all that’s going on RIGHT NOW, is my room in the dark with me, this comfy bed and this cozy blanket.
Be happy right now because I said so. If you really need a reason that badly. 
Those things will come when their meant to, and you’ll be happy then to. 🙂